Time and Talent
Adult Small Groups - in the Parish Hall
Sunday after 10 AM Mass
Thursday Morning after 8 AM Mass
Coffee Cat - Q & A with Father
Sunday @ 9 AM LIVE on Facebook @StJohnTheBaptistHotSprings
Altar Servers: 501 623-6201
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Choir Director: John Jordan 501-623-6201
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 501 623-6201
Faith Formation: 501 623-6201 (see parish calendar)
Director of Faith Formation: Edith Ochoa
Kairos Prison Ministry
Contact the parish office for info
Knights of Columbus
Lectors: 623-6201
Men's Fellowship Friday at 6 AM in the Parish Hall
Musicians: 501 623-6201
Parish Council (Groups Include: Charitable Outreach, Education and Integration, Building and Grounds, Service and Liturgy, Parish Life, Technology and Media, St. John's School Boosters)
St John’s Council of Women: Contact the Church Office 501-623-6201
St. John’s School
Ushers: 501 623-6201
Complimentary FORMED Subscription
The Parish Calendar has the latest changes, updates and other events
Sunday after 10 AM Mass
Thursday Morning after 8 AM Mass
Coffee Cat - Q & A with Father
Sunday @ 9 AM LIVE on Facebook @StJohnTheBaptistHotSprings
Altar Servers: 501 623-6201
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Choir Director: John Jordan 501-623-6201
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 501 623-6201
Faith Formation: 501 623-6201 (see parish calendar)
Director of Faith Formation: Edith Ochoa
Kairos Prison Ministry
Contact the parish office for info
Knights of Columbus
Lectors: 623-6201
Men's Fellowship Friday at 6 AM in the Parish Hall
Musicians: 501 623-6201
Parish Council (Groups Include: Charitable Outreach, Education and Integration, Building and Grounds, Service and Liturgy, Parish Life, Technology and Media, St. John's School Boosters)
St John’s Council of Women: Contact the Church Office 501-623-6201
St. John’s School
Ushers: 501 623-6201
Complimentary FORMED Subscription
The Parish Calendar has the latest changes, updates and other events
Servidores del Altar 623-6201
Coro 623-6201
Grupo Defensores
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Santa Comunión 623-6201
Formación de la Fe
Los Caballeros de Colon
Lectores 623-6201
Músicos 623-6201
Ministerio de la Oración 623-6201
Misa de Quince años Con un año de anticipación es decir al cumplir los 14 años de edad deberá comunicarse a la parroquia con Amparo Patterson al (501) 623-6201 para registrarse y asistir a clases con Verónica Solís al (501) 625-0096
Grupo de Renovación
Colegio Católico de San Juan Bautista
Hospitalidad 623-6201
Ministerio de Jóvenes 623-6201
www.Formed.org Podrá ver películas, libros, charlas, cursos, entretenimiento, etc. en donde podrá aprender mucho mas sobre su fe Católica. Todo libre de costo; tan solo entre a: www.Formed.org y luego ingrese o haga link en Register y escriba el código: RV3Y2M
Se les invita a cada familia a inscribirse para recibir la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe junto con la Biblia Peregrina y así aprender más acerca de nuestra Fe Católica. Si desea recibir a la Virgen llamar María Aguirre 276-7213 / Lucia 538-2589.